
Fraud Protection

Learn how to keep your card secure during online and in-person transactions! Click ‘View Resource’ to learn more.
Learn how to keep your card secure during online and in-person transactions! Click 'View Resource' to learn more. ...
Passwords are the gatekeepers to your most important personal and professional information. A poor password puts individuals at risk of having their information exposed.
Passwords are the gatekeepers to your most important personal and professional information. A poor password puts individuals at risk of having their information exposed. ...
Accepting card payments is safe, simple and secure. While some payment card fraudsters may try to take advantage of small businesses because they think
Accepting card payments is safe, simple and secure. While some payment card fraudsters may try to take advantage of small businesses because they think ...
In an increasingly digital economy, having a card makes payments convenient and safe. While it is important to remember that your payment network protects
In an increasingly digital economy, having a card makes payments convenient and safe. While it is important to remember that your payment network protects ...

About Master Your Card

Since 2011, Mastercard has collaborated and engaged with more than 120 community partners across the nation around our shared goal: driving understanding of electronic payments technology through access to educational sessions and other resources.

We Empower

We empower underserved communities to take control of their financial well-being by:

  • Partnering with local governments, community organizations and leaders to offer training and capacity-building sessions
  • Hosting and sponsoring virtual and in-person events to ensure individuals and entire communities are armed with knowledge to make smart financial decisions 

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